I love this time of year. Spring is awakening from the grey winter. Birds add their songs back to the world. And, in Georgia at least, April showers drench the thirsty earth and give momentary relief from the pollen that wrecks our sinuses but brings so much new growth.
I love this time of year. It allows us to stop and reflect on what our faith really means. To stop and stare at the mess of the cross and the relief of resurrection. It allows us to remember Good Friday, the day the curtain was torn and the whole earth cried. Then to sit and wait… Holy Saturday. Remembering His promise to return and knowing that God always keeps his promises.
I love this time of year. It’s a benchmark. To remember where you were, to consider where you’ve been and how far you’ve come.
I remember where I was this time last year when Jesus uttered to me the phrase that would change the trajectory of my year. “I want you to live in this pain” I found myself in a season of desperate isolation and fear; a season of extreme tilling in my soul.The broken and damaged pieces of my heart were being brought to the surface, and I wanted so desperately to avoid the lessons that pain and growth would bring. I wanted to brush past it – like I did everything else- but Jesus had other plans.
“I want you to live in this pain.”
He wanted me to grow and thrive. As I came on stage for choir on Easter Sunday, Jesus dropped this bomb on me, and with a heavy heart I sang praises to the One who defeated death. Then I got a glance. I got a glance of the harvest, the final stage of painful growth, as a woman in the front row put her trust in Jesus and was rejoicing like I’ve never seen.
From last Easter until now, I have grown. I have found my worth and affirmation in Jesus. I am no longer bound by my past and my mistakes. Jesus teaches me every day that I am worthy, called, forgiven and loved.
I love this time of year because it reminds me that I have a new life, I am a new creation. Jesus has defeated the grave and bore the weight of my sin through death so that I may rejoice. So that I may learn and grow and come alive.
Easter reminds us that we have a reason to lift our hands in praise. It reminds us that the tomb is empty and that God always comes through and always keeps his promises.
Spring reminds us all that even after the darkest and coldest of winters, we can come alive again.
If you’re stuck in a seemingly endless winter- hear this… Spring is coming. Spring will always come. There will always be a harvest. Though the tilling is painful, the harvest will come and you will reap in righteousness what you have sown in trials. Jesus has paid for your sins, he has paved the way to peace with grace and love. Remember to keep glancing back at the tomb after the formal celebration of Easter and remember that Christ came for you, he died for you and died so that you may live in relationship with him.